
Master of Arts in History

The Department offers a master's program in history for students seeking to expand their knowledge of history and to begin to develop the analytical and critical skills of a professional historian.

Admission Criteria

In addition to the general requirements for admission to the Graduate School (see the General Information section of this catalog), applicants for admission to the M.A. program in History are expected to have completed an undergraduate major or minor in history or a related discipline. Students who do not meet these criteria may be required to enroll in undergraduate history courses before they are fully admitted to the program. All application materials should be submitted to the Texas Southern University Graduate School. The Department Chair or the Graduate Student Advisor will review all applications and make recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School.

Degree Requirements

Thesis Option

Complete thirty (30) semester hours of graduate work (fifteen (15) semester credit hours of required courses; fifteen (15) semester credit hours of electives) with a grade point average of at least 3.0; demonstrate competency in functional English; pass a comprehensive examination over coursework in History; write and defend a satisfactory thesis in U.S. history.

Thesis Option
Core Courses (Required) 15 SCH
Hist 631(3) Hist 632(3) Hist 734(3) Hist 750(3) Hist 755(3)  
Electives Courses 15 SCH

Non-Thesis Option

Complete thirty (30) semester credit hours of graduate work (fifteen (15) semester credit hours of required courses; fifteen (15) semester credit hours of electives) with a grade point average of at least 3.0; demonstrate competency in functional English; pass a comprehensive exam over coursework in history.

Core Courses
Core Courses (Required) 12 SCH
Hist 631(3) Hist 632(3) Hist 734 (3) or Hist 736 (6) HIST 750   
Electives Courses 15 SCH

Click here for Course Details

For more information on the History major or minor requirements,
contact the Department Office at 713-313-7794 .